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Fan site for the UK TV quiz show The Chase.
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Statistics - Head-To-Heads

Statistics on this page are for daytime episodes of The Chase only. A few statistics for Celebrity Specials and The Family Chase can be found in their respective sections of the website.

For percentages where the chaser is in direct competition with the player/team, coloured backgrounds are used. This page shows percentages from the point of view of the player/team. Any percentages of 50% and over are coloured blue - 100% is a deep blue, and the nearer it gets to 50% the lighter the colour becomes. Any percentages of less than 50% are coloured red - 0% is a deep red, and the nearer it gets to 50% the lighter the colour becomes.

0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100%

Players Winning Head-to-head By Series

No. Of
No. Of Players Winning Head-to-head
% Players
0 1 2 3 4
1 10 1 0 4 4 1 60%
2 40 0 8 11 16 5 61%
3 40 1 6 15 14 4 59%
4 60 2 13 23 14 8 55%
5 119 4 17 39 46 13 60%
6 148 8 25 62 44 9 54%
7 150 2 26 51 47 24 61%
8 146 1 21 56 44 24 62%
9 189 5 24 66 64 30 62%
10 190 6 26 66 70 22 60%
11 170 6 21 71 49 23 59%
12 170 5 22 55 59 29 63%
13 210 6 26 91 62 25 59%
14 210 3 24 74 88 21 62%
15 209 5 21 69 82 32 64%
16 107 0 11 38 36 22 66%
17 2 0 0 0 1 1 88%
ALL 2170 55 291 791 740 293 61%

Head-To-Head Option Chosen By Series

In series 1 and 2, the lower offers were more generous than they are now, so more players took this offer. For series 10 onwards, almost half of the teams have all gone for the middle offer. Hoping that more players in the final chase will help them to beat the chaser.

No. Of
% Players Taking ...
% Teams All Taking
Middle Offer
Lower Offer Middle Offer Higher Offer
1 10 23% 68% 10% 20%
2 40 16% 74% 10% 28%
3 40 10% 75% 15% 33%
4 60 11% 77% 12% 28%
5 119 12% 72% 16% 27%
6 148 13% 72% 15% 31%
7 150 13% 75% 12% 33%
8 146 11% 78% 11% 37%
9 189 9% 78% 13% 38%
10 190 7% 83% 10% 47%
11 170 5% 82% 13% 48%
12 170 7% 83% 10% 48%
13 210 7% 82% 11% 45%
14 210 10% 81% 9% 45%
15 209 11% 83% 7% 49%
16 107 17% 75% 9% 34%
17 2 25% 50% 25% 0%
ALL 2170 10% 79% 11% 40%

% Players Winning Head-To-Head By Offer Chosen

  Offer Chosen ALL
Lower Offer Middle Offer Higher Offer
No. Of Head-To-Heads 861 6847 972 8680
Player Wins 626 4245 394 5265
Player Win % 73% 62% 41% 61%

% Players Winning Head-To-Head By Cash Builder

Not surprisingly, there is a good correlation between cash builder score, and the percentage of players winning their head-to-head. There are a few oddities though - none more so than the bottom 3 rows. Only 4 of the 9 players to score £12,000 or more in their cash builder went on to win their head-to-head.

No. Of
% Players Winning Head-To-Head
Lower Offer Middle Offer Higher Offer ALL
£0 41 43% 44% 11% 29%
£1,000 204 61% 42% 23% 44%
£2,000 563 71% 44% 37% 51%
£3,000 1114 71% 57% 33% 57%
£4,000 1623 74% 58% 39% 58%
£5,000 1731 75% 61% 36% 59%
£6,000 1541 77% 66% 49% 65%
£7,000 1058 82% 69% 46% 67%
£8,000 518 60% 74% 48% 70%
£9,000 194 100% 75% 74% 76%
£10,000 68 100% 71% 63% 71%
£11,000 16 100% 85% 50% 81%
£12,000 7   57%   57%
£13,000 1   0%   0%
£14,000 1   0%   0%

% Chasers Winning Head-To-Head By Offer Chosen

  Offer Chosen ALL
Lower Offer Middle Offer Higher Offer
No. Of Head-To-Heads 192 1486 229 1907
Chaser Wins 53 546 133 732
Chaser Win % 28% 37% 58% 38%
No. Of Head-To-Heads 199 1397 207 1803
Chaser Wins 58 564 115 737
Chaser Win % 29% 40% 56% 41%
No. Of Head-To-Heads 169 1480 227 1876
Chaser Wins 53 575 145 773
Chaser Win % 31% 39% 64% 41%
No. Of Head-To-Heads 174 1382 201 1757
Chaser Wins 45 517 109 671
Chaser Win % 26% 37% 54% 38%
No. Of Head-To-Heads 82 834 85 1001
Chaser Wins 20 301 59 380
Chaser Win % 24% 36% 69% 38%
No. Of Head-To-Heads 45 268 23 336
Chaser Wins 6 99 17 122
Chaser Win % 13% 37% 74% 36%
ALL No. Of Head-To-Heads 861 6847 972 8680
Chaser Wins 235 2602 578 3415
Chaser Win % 27% 38% 59% 39%


Likelihood Of Winning Head-To-Head By Position On Table

This table follows each player, question by question, on their journey at the table. It is for all players, regardless of what offer they have chosen. It shows how many steps they are from home, and how far behind the chaser is. eg. The first row shows how likely a player is to get home when they have 1 step to go for the chaser being 1 step behind, 2 steps behind, 3 steps behind and so on.

Generally, the player is the more likely to get home than not. Unless the chaser gets 1 step behind with at least 2 steps to go, or gets 2 steps behind with at least 4 steps to go.

Gap To Chaser
1 2 3 4 5 6
1 66% 89% 96% 99% 99% 100%
2 45% 74% 89% 95% 96% 100%
3 32% 61% 81% 88% 91%  
4 24% 49% 70% 77% 100%  
5 19% 42% 62% 62%    
6 19% 41% 57%      
7   50%        


The One Question Shootout

Shaun's favourite part of the show - when the player is one step from home and the chaser is right behind them.

But when is a one question shootout not a one question shootout? When both player and chaser give the wrong answer and they have to do it again. Actually, 5.6% of one question shootouts require at least one further question to decide the outcome.

1st One
2nd One
3rd One
No. Of Players 2136 119 4 2136
Player Win % 61% 76% 100% 66%
Chaser Win % 33% 20% 0% 34%
Neither Wins % 6% 3%   n/a

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