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Fan site for the UK TV quiz show The Chase.
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Statistics - Beat The Chasers

Statistics on this page are for all players on Beat The Chasers - both regular players and celebrities.

For percentages where the chaser is in direct competition with the player/team, coloured backgrounds are used. This page shows percentages from the point of view of the player/team. Any percentages of 50% and over are coloured blue - 100% is a deep blue, and the nearer it gets to 50% the lighter the colour becomes. Any percentages of less than 50% are coloured red - 0% is a deep red, and the nearer it gets to 50% the lighter the colour becomes.

0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100%

Cash Builders

Cash Builder No. Of Players % Players
£0 16 7%
£1,000 38 18%
£2,000 60 28%
£3,000 62 29%
£4,000 29 13%
£5,000 12 6%

The first 4 cash builders of £5,000 were in series 1 to 3. As there were only 5 chasers at this point, there wasn't the possibility of taking on 6 chasers in the super offer.

Players Winning By No. Of Chasers Faced

No. Of Chasers Faced No. Of Players Player Wins Player Win %
2 2 1 50%
3 67 28 42%
4 75 30 40%
5 56 21 38%
6 1 0 0%
ALL 201 80 40%

Players Winning By Time on Chasers' Clock

Time on Chasers' Clock
No. Of Players Player Wins Player Win %
30-31 1 0 0%
32-33 3 0 0%
34-35 10 4 40%
36-37 10 6 60%
38-39 27 14 52%
40-41 44 13 30%
42-43 30 12 40%
44-45 37 19 51%
46-47 6 5 83%
48-49 10 4 40%
50-51 11 1 9%
52-53 5 1 20%
54-55 5 1 20%
56-57 1 0 0%
60 1 0 0%
ALL 201 80 40%

Players Winning By No. Of Chasers Faced And Time on Chasers' Clock

The first number in each cell is the number of player wins. The second number in each cell, after the "/", is the number of players. The cell is then coloured according to this number as a percentage.

Time on Chasers' Clock (seconds)
30-31 32-33 34-35 36-37 38-39 40-41 42-43 44-45 46-47 48-49 50-51 52-53 54-55 56-57 58-59 60
2     0/1 1/1                        
3 0/1 0/1 3/6 2/4 7/13 4/20 3/7 6/11 2/2 1/1 0/1          
4   0/2 1/2 2/3 4/9 6/18 7/17 6/14 1/2 2/5 1/2 0/1        
5     0/1 1/2 3/5 3/6 2/6 7/12 2/2 1/4 0/8 1/4 1/5 0/1    
6                               0/1

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