Statistics - Team Cash Builders
We can get some idea of the strength of a team by adding together their 4 individual cash builders. However, rather than referring to this is as a cash amount, let's drop the £ sign and the 000s, and simply refer to what is left. ie. a team cash builder total of £20,000 will be referred to as 20. It is in fact the number of questions the team got correct across their 4 one minute cash builders.
Statistics on this page are for daytime episodes of The Chase only. A few statistics for Celebrity Specials and The Family Chase can be found in their respective sections of the website.
Average Team Cash Builders By Series
Naturally, this is the same as the average individual cash builder score multiplied by 4.
Series 1 and 2 had by far the best average cash builders. This is for 2 reasons. Firstly, the players were asked more questions, and secondly, they got more of them right. Players in series 3-5 also had the advantage of being asked more questions, so they also averaged over £5,000 in their cash builders. For series 6 onwards, it has been very consistent with players averaging about £4,800 in cash builders. The average for series 12 is the highest it's been apart from series 1-5. After the first 2 series, the number of questions being answered has dropped steadily to around 9.5, whilst thenumber of questions being answered correctly has been somewhere in the range 47-52%.
Series | No. Of Episodes |
Average Team Cash Builder |
1 | 10 | 27.8 |
2 | 40 | 26.6 |
3 | 40 | 21.6 |
4 | 60 | 22.8 |
5 | 119 | 21.1 |
6 | 148 | 19.3 |
7 | 150 | 19.1 |
8 | 146 | 19.2 |
9 | 189 | 19.3 |
10 | 190 | 19.3 |
11 | 170 | 18.9 |
12 | 170 | 19.7 |
13 | 210 | 19.6 |
14 | 210 | 20.3 |
15 | 209 | 20.8 |
16 | 154 | 19.3 |
17 | 45 | 18.4 |
18 | 1 | 18.0 |
ALL | 2261 | 19.9 |