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Statistics - Final Chase - Chaser's Performance

Statistics on this page are for daytime episodes of The Chase only. A few statistics for Celebrity Specials and The Family Chase can be found in their respective sections of the website.

For percentages where the chaser is in direct competition with the player/team, coloured backgrounds are used. This page shows percentages from the point of view of the chaser. Any percentages of 50% and over are coloured red - 100% is a deep red, and the nearer it gets to 50% the lighter the colour becomes. Any percentages of less than 50% are coloured blue - 0% is a deep blue, and the nearer it gets to 50% the lighter the colour becomes.

0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100%

Chaser Wins By Target

As mentioned on the Statistics - Final Chase page, the average target for series 1-5 was considerably higher than the average target set for series 6 onwards. So the following table is split accordingly.

The first number in each cell is the number of chaser wins. The second number in each cell, after the "/", is the number of episodes. The cell is then coloured according to this number as a percentage.

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Series 1-5
Chaser 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28
Mark Labbett                 1/1 7/7 2/2 3/3 8/8 6/6 2/4 5/6 6/7 9/12 1/4 5/8 5/6 1/3 0/1 1/3   0/1
Shaun Wallace                 1/1 1/1 4/4 5/6 5/6 4/4 4/5 3/5 6/8 4/8 4/5 2/4 4/6 0/2 0/4 0/1 0/1  
Anne Hegerty           1/1   1/1 2/2 2/2     6/6 6/6 3/4 8/8 8/9 6/8 9/12 1/4 2/4 0/2 1/2 1/1    
Paul Sinha                       1/1 2/3 3/3 6/6 6/7 9/10 2/3 3/5 1/1 0/1 1/2   0/1   0/1
Series 6-
Chaser 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28
Mark Labbett 1/1   1/1 1/1 3/3 2/2 5/5 5/5 18/19 16/16 26/26 29/29 33/34 39/43 36/51 43/52 21/36 9/30 8/22 4/12 2/9 0/2 0/2 0/1    
Shaun Wallace     1/1 2/2 3/3 3/3 10/10 16/16 27/28 33/34 33/36 27/36 43/52 26/41 18/37 18/37 11/31 3/12 2/6 0/1   0/2        
Anne Hegerty     1/1   3/3 3/3 7/7 12/12 15/15 20/22 35/35 33/35 35/38 44/49 42/50 30/43 18/32 17/29 7/14 1/5 1/10 0/2 0/1      
Paul Sinha       1/1 1/1 1/1 4/4 6/6 18/18 13/13 31/31 39/42 42/44 45/52 39/49 32/42 20/29 15/31 5/17 4/12 1/6 0/2   0/1    
Jenny Ryan       2/2 3/3 4/4 4/4 5/5 11/11 16/17 14/14 20/20 20/23 23/29 24/30 28/33 13/23 8/16 4/10 2/7 0/3 1/2        
Darragh Ennis           1/1 1/1 4/4 7/7 4/4 10/10 8/9 10/11 7/9 8/9 7/14 1/5 3/5 0/1 1/2            

Chaser Performance By Target

As mentioned on the Statistics - Final Chase page, the average target for series 1-5 was considerably higher than the average target set for series 6 onwards. So the following table is split accordingly.

Series 1-5
No. Of
Win %
Catch by
28 2 0 0.0%        
27 1 0 0.0%        
26 6 2 33.3% 0:03 0:06 0:09 Anne
25 7 1 14.3% 0:08 0:08 0:08 Anne
24 9 2 22.2% 0:05 0:15 0:25 Paul
23 17 11 64.7% 0:01 0:09 0:22 Shaun
22 17 9 52.9% 0:01 0:14 0:32 Mark
21 26 17 65.4% 0:00 0:17 0:36 Anne
20 31 21 67.7% 0:02 0:16 0:39 Anne
19 34 29 85.3% 0:02 0:20 0:40 Anne
18 26 22 84.6% 0:03 0:25 0:48 Paul
17 19 15 78.9% 0:07 0:29 0:54 Paul
16 19 19 100.0% 0:01 0:31 0:57 Mark
15 23 21 91.3% 0:04 0:38 1:02 Mark
14 10 9 90.0% 0:24 0:38 0:58 Paul
13 6 6 100.0% 0:02 0:39 1:09 Shaun
12 10 10 100.0% 0:20 0:59 1:16 Mark
11 4 4 100.0% 0:55 1:07 1:17 Mark
10 1 1 100.0% 1:22 1:22 1:22 Anne
9 0            
8 1 1 100.0% 1:27 1:27 1:27 Anne
Series 6-
No. Of
Win %
Catch by
26 2 0 0.0%        
25 3 0 0.0%        
24 10 1 10.0% 0:14 0:14 0:14 Jenny
23 28 4 14.3% 0:03 0:06 0:12 Mark, Paul
22 39 12 30.8% 0:00 0:06 0:14 Anne
21 70 26 37.1% 0:00 0:09 0:25 Shaun
20 123 55 44.7% 0:00 0:11 0:30 Anne, Mark
19 156 84 53.8% 0:01 0:14 0:38 Mark (x2)
18 221 158 71.5% 0:01 0:17 0:45 Anne
17 226 167 73.9% 0:01 0:21 0:46 Anne, Paul, Shaun
16 223 184 82.5% 0:01 0:24 0:53 Paul
15 202 183 90.6% 0:01 0:28 0:57 Mark
14 171 156 91.2% 0:00 0:32 1:01 Mark (x2)
13 152 149 98.0% 0:01 0:39 1:04 Paul
12 106 102 96.2% 0:00 0:41 1:09 Paul
11 98 96 98.0% 0:00 0:47 1:14 Anne
10 48 48 100.0% 0:17 0:57 1:16 Mark, Shaun (x2)
9 31 31 100.0% 0:08 0:57 1:22 Anne
8 14 14 100.0% 0:37 1:07 1:26 Mark
7 13 13 100.0% 1:07 1:20 1:33 Mark
6 6 6 100.0% 0:48 1:19 1:36 Jenny
5 3 3 100.0% 1:33 1:37 1:40 Mark
4 0            
3 1 1 100.0% 1:48 1:48 1:48 Mark

Final Chase Clean Sweeps

When a chaser catches the final chase target without getting a question wrong.

The first clean sweep broadcast was when Mark caught 26 in series 2 episode 12. In all the episodes broadcast since, this is still the highest clean sweep. The next best is 21, which both Anne and Shaun have achieved. Anne caught 21 in series 5 episode 20. Shaun caught 21 in series 10 episode 61 - watch video.

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Chaser 3 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 26 ALL
Mark Labbett 1 1   2 1 1 1 3 3 3 1 3 1 2 3 1     1 28
Shaun Wallace   1 1   1 3 2 2 5 2   2 2 1 1     1   24
Anne Hegerty   1   2 1 4 3 2 6 3 5 4 3 4 1 1 2 2   44
Paul Sinha         1     3 2 5 2 1 5 3 1 1 1     25
Jenny Ryan     2 1     2   3   4 2 1 2 3 1       21
Darragh Ennis             2     2     1 1           6

Earliest Catches

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Time Remaining
When Caught
No. Of Players
In Final Chase
Players In Final Chase Chaser
Final Chase
1:48 17/03/2017 10 165 1 Eleanor Mark Labbett £1,000 3 Chaser by 1:48 Video
1:40 18/09/2023 15 192 1 Nicola Mark Labbett £2,000 5 Chaser by 1:40 -
1:39 17/09/2020 13 95 1 Charlie Anne Hegerty £3,000 5 Chaser by 1:39 Video
1:36 21/09/2016 10 48 1 Chris Jenny Ryan £6,000 6 Chaser by 1:36 -
1:33 30/11/2012 6 25 1 Charlie Mark Labbett £6,000 7 Chaser by 1:33 -
1:33 01/12/2017 11 83 1 Kath Shaun Wallace £4,000 5 Chaser by 1:33 -
1:32 03/05/2019 13 14 0 Sayce Mark Labbett £4,000 7 Chaser by 1:32 Video
1:31 02/04/2014 7 106 1 Jo Anne Hegerty £3,000 7 Chaser by 1:31 -
1:30 30/11/2017 11 82 1 Gareth Jenny Ryan £3,000 7 Chaser by 1:30 -


Latest Catches

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Time Remaining
When Caught
No. Of Players
In Final Chase
Players In Final Chase Chaser
Final Chase
0:00 23/06/2010 2 23 1 Martin Shaun Wallace £7,000 21 Chaser by 0:00 -
0:00 22/04/2013 6 104 3 Mary, Debbie, Mike Paul Sinha £51,000 22 Chaser by 0:00 -
0:00 13/01/2014 7 54 3 Hilary, Roger, Viv Mark Labbett £18,000 22 Chaser by 0:00 -
0:00 14/02/2014 7 78 2 Janice, James Shaun Wallace £60,000 12 Chaser by 0:00 -
0:00 14/03/2014 7 93 2 Nicola, Steve Mark Labbett £9,000 14 Chaser by 0:00 -
0:00 24/09/2014 8 18 2 Jass, Leigh Shaun Wallace £40,000 11 Chaser by 0:00 Video
0:00 26/06/2015 9 4 3 Graham, Marian, Patricia Mark Labbett £30,000 21 Chaser by 0:00 Video
0:00 13/09/2019 13 36 4 Rachel, Chris, Judith, Adam Paul Sinha £60,000 22 Chaser by 0:00 Video
0:00 01/10/2020 13 100 3 Adam, Kate, Sally Mark Labbett £17,000 20 Chaser by 0:00 Video

Great Escapes

Final chases where it looked like the team were definitely going to win, only for the chaser to produce a stunning finish.

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To Go
No. Of Players
In Final Chase
Players In Final Chase Chaser
Final Chase
12 0:42 10/02/2011 3 29 4 Lynne, Steve, Julie, Andy Shaun Wallace £36,000 23 Chaser by 0:01 -
15 0:58 11/02/2011 3 30 2 Tony, Vicky Anne Hegerty £11,000 25 Chaser by 0:08 -
9 0:34 13/03/2012 5 26 3 Steev, Sam, Gary Shaun Wallace £42,000 23 Chaser by 0:01 -
11 0:43 05/09/2012 5 82 3 Sam, Tony, Chris Paul Sinha £10,000 19 Chaser by 0:04 -
8 0:29 22/04/2013 6 104 3 Mary, Debbie, Mike Paul Sinha £51,000 22 Chaser by 0:00 -
8 0:35 13/10/2016 10 64 3 Mike, Gary, Susan Mark Labbett £12,000 23 Chaser by 0:03 Video
16 1:07 13/09/2019 13 36 4 Rachel, Chris, Judith, Adam Paul Sinha £60,000 22 Chaser by 0:00 Video
8 0:36 08/03/2021 14 55 2 Ross, Ali Jenny Ryan £6,000 20 Chaser by 0:04 Video
8 0:39 22/11/2021 14 159 3 Christian, Yasmin, Emily Anne Hegerty £16,000 20 Chaser by 0:05 -
10 0:43 14/03/2024 16 24 2 Jo, Andrew Anne Hegerty £12,000 20 Chaser by 0:01 -

Ones That Got Away

Final chases where it looked like the chaser was definitely going to win, only for the chaser to have a disastrous finish.

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To Go
No. Of Players
In Final Chase
Players In Final Chase Chaser
Final Chase
2 0:56 13/01/2012 4 49 2 Christian, Pat Anne Hegerty £34,000 17 Team by 3 -
1 0:30 23/04/2013 6 105 2 Mark, Gary Mark Labbett £8,000 21 Team by 1 -
1 0:31 04/09/2014 8 5 1 Susan Paul Sinha £50,000 17+1 Team by 2 Video
1 0:31 22/10/2015 9 64 3 Gary, Judith, Kelly Mark Labbett £14,000 17 Team by 1 Video
1 0:32 15/03/2016 9 162 0 Scott Jenny Ryan £4,000 12 Team by 1 Video
1 0:39 29/03/2019 12 161 2 Paula, Julie Shaun Wallace £5,000 14 Team by 1 Video


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